Sonic Rush Adventure
Sonic Rush Adventure, a platform adventure game for Nintendo DS, was released in 2007 by Sega. It is a direct sequel to Sonic Rush and the first game in Sonic franchise to allow head-to-head play via Nintendo Wi-fi.
The game takes the player to a deserted island in the middle of the ocean. At the beginning of the game Sonic and Tales get into a plane crash and end up on an island where they meet a slightly hotheaded character Marine the Raccoon. This introduces the player to the general storyline and opens up game stages.
Each stage has its own kind of gameplay. Stages through which Sonic is running are the classic horizontal platform levels like in other Sonic games. When Sonic controls the Wave Cyclone waterbike, the stage looks more like one of a racing game. While using the Ocean Tornado sailboat, the stage turns into a horizontal sidescroller with the requirement to shoot rings and enemies.
Sailing the Aqua Blast is similar to the waterbike, but instead of performing tricks and jumps the player has to charge up and shoot blasts. And finally, the Deep Typhoon is also similar to Wave Cyclone and Aqua Blast stages, but it requires the player to shoot objects on the screen. Overall, the game is rich with variety. Plenty of levels, a good storyline, well-made cinematics. All this makes the general action-packed style of the game effective and satisfying.
Sonic Rush Adventure scored an average of 80% from different critic sources and won several awards, such as IGN's Best Platform Game of 2007 for the Nintendo DS, Nintendo Magazine's Gold Award, and a 5th place in Disney Adventure's Top 5 Handheld Games list in November 2007.